WWE Smackdown Results (9/3) – PTP vs Dudleyz, Stardust Finds Allies, Wyatt Issues Challenge To Reigns/Ambrose!

Ambrose headbutts him a few times and comes back with a dropkick, then Reigns gets the hot tag and Reigns connects with some punches and a Samoan drop. Reigns whips Kofi into the corner and punches him a few times, then he punches E before slamming Kofi on the mat. Reigns calls for a Superman punch but Woods distracts him, and Kofi tries stealing a pin attempt. Reigns kicks out and hits a side slam for two, then Ambrose gets back in and clotheslines E to the floor. He hits a suicide dive into the barricade, then Reigns hits Kofi with a Superman punch to counter a springboard attack, but Woods breaks up the pin. Ambrose runs in and attacks as the ref calls for the bell, and he assists Reigns with a double powerbomb before they celebrate. 

Winners – Roman Reigns & Dean Ambrose  

Reigns and Ambrose call out the Wyatts, but Bray appears on the Titantron and he says he calls the shots. He says they are outnumbered and vulnerable, just the way he likes it, then says they will do this right at Night of Champions. Bray says before then, they are staring down a problem in a black sheep, then Braun Strowman tells them to run.

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