Global Force Wrestling Ticket Refund Update, Is There Heat On Top Women’s Star For Missing Amped Tapings?

global force wrestlingGlobal Force Wrestling Ticket Refund

Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Apparently, the reason there was such difficulty in processing refunds for the recently postponed Global Force Wrestling shows was due to the hosts selling tickets, not GFW. 

As noted, a fan recently wrote a letter and posted it online talking about how hard it was to get a refund back. The postponed shows got a lot more attention because of this, but it was actually the local baseball teams (San Antonio Missions and Round Rock Express) that were responsible for selling tickets and promoting the shows, which would make them responsible for the refunds. 

Candice LaRae 

It is being reported that GFW is not very happy with Candice LaRae missing the last set of Amped tapings. According to reports, LaRae told Sonjay Dutt, who handles talent and travel, she was sick and missed her flight. She told him throught text messages that she was very sick and couldn’t speak, but then worked a show in Buffalo, New York the next night, and GFW was left with the cost of the flight.