Sasha Banks on Canvas 2 Canvas (Video), Update on New WWE Signee, Stardust & Stephen Amell Deliver Charity Check (Photos)

Update on New WWE Signee

As noted, indy star Athena has signed with WWE and will be reporting to the Performance Center when she finishes up her indy dates.

Last night, Athena wrestled two matches at the WSU Excellence iPPV in Voorhees, New Jersey. She defeated Sumie Sakai in the first match and then lost to Hania in the main event. After the match, she reportedly gave what was described as a very touching farewell speech.

Stardust & Stephen Amell Deliver Charity Check

Stardust and actor Stephen Amell, who were opponents at WWE SummerSlam, teamed up today to deliver a $297,557 check to the Emily’s House charity in Toronto. The money was raised in less than a week for the special t-shirt that was sold last month. Below are photos:

Sasha Banks on Canvas 2 Canvas

The following is the latest edition of Canvas 2 Canvas featuring Sasha Banks: