WWE RAW Results (9/28): Roman Reigns vs Bray Wyatt, John Cena Restarts The U.S. Title Open Challenge!

Team PCB vs Team Bella

After a commercial break the Team PCB are taking turns beating down Fox. Brie tags in and almost gets rolled up by Charlotte. Charlotte tags in Lynch and they hit a double elbow drop with a dual kip-up. Lynch hits the ropes, but Fox pulls her down by her hair. Team Bella works over Lynch. Brie traps Lynch in the corner and kicks her in the stomach over and over again. Brie follows that up with a running bulldog out of the corner.

Nikki tags in and tries to suplex Lynch, but Lynch rolls her up in a small package. Nikki kicks out, but Lynch tags in Charlotte. Paige looks upset that no one has tagged her in. Charlotte hits a neck breaker and set up the figure eight. Nikki kicks Charlotte into Paige and Paige falls off the apron. Paige gets upset and tries to leave. Natalya tries to stop her but decides to take Paige’s place. Paige pulls Natalya off the apron and she falls face first on the apron. In all of the confusion, Nikki hits the rack attack on Charlotte for the win.

Winner- Team Bella

Backstage Rollins is telling Ashley from HR that Kane is out to get him. Kane interrupts and thanks Rollins for everything he has done for him. Kane hands Rollins a big red box. Rollins promptly asks, “ What’s in the box!” Kane opens it and reveals Rollins severed head… well from his statue that is. Kane tells Rollins it is amazing what one man can do with a shovel and a flashlight. Rollins says he can’t take this and storms off.



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