WWE RAW Results (9/28): Roman Reigns vs Bray Wyatt, John Cena Restarts The U.S. Title Open Challenge!


The Prime Time Players vs Luke Harper and Braun Strowman 

Harper and Young start the match. Harper muscles Young into the corner, then sends Young careening to the mat with a shoulder block. Young clotheslines Harper, but Harper answers with a drop kick. Harper tags in Strowman who tosses Young around like a rag doll. Harper tags in, but he eats an enzguri by Young. Young tags in O’Neil. O’Neil beats Harper from pillar to post, until he is distracted by Strowman and walks right into a discus clothesline by Harper. Strowman locks in the hug of death. O’Neil has no choice but to pass out from all of the love.

Winner- Luke Harper and Braun Strowman

Neville vs Stardust 

Collar and elbow tie up, which leads to a flip out sequence by Neville. Stardust will have none of it and pulls Neville to the mat by his hair. Stardust holds Neville up in a suplex, but Neville wiggles out. Neville goes up top for the red arrow, but King Barrett’s music hit. Barrett walks to the ring and knocks Neville out with a bull hammer. Stardust tries to crawl away, but Barrett floored him with a bull hammer as well.

Winner- Neville by DQ