WWE Live Event Results (10/3): Bangor, Maine; Reigns vs Wyatt No DQ Match, Strowman vs Swagger, Ryback vs Barrett, Harper vs Ambrose, More

dean ambroseSource: PWInsider.com

Cesaro VS The Miz: The match started with a good 3-5 minutes of stalling but turned into an excellent opener that went back & fourth with Cesaro hitting the swing then neutralizer for the win.

Fandango VS Heath Slater: Ok I didn’t pay almost $100 to see these two jokers. Much like the first match a lot of stalling, I look down, Slater is on the mat, & it’s over in less than 20 seconds. What a frigging waste.

After they played an NXT promo while they wheeled Braun Stroman underneath the ring for whatever reason.

Braun Strowman VS Jack Swagger: A decent back & fourth contest with Strowman winning via submission

Lucha Dragons VS Los Matadors VS Ascension: Probably my favorite match of the night, these three teams did really well together & Lucha Dragons are very exciting live they even did their springboard entrance.  Matadors didn’t have the bull as they told one fan near me No bull! Some music hits towards the end of the match & out comes El Torito as he assist the Dragons in the win. A fan got tossed after the match for doing something to a Matador, I didn’t see anything but the Matador told security to toss him & they did.

Sasha Banks with Tamina VS Natalya: I don’t like Diva’s action but must admit this was a great match with Natalya winning via sharpshooter.

Luke Harper VS Dean Ambrose: Another great match up between these two. A You can’t wrestle chant was aimed at Harper which shocked me. Ambrose wins via dirty deeds in a good back & fourth contest before a brief intermission.

R-Truth VS Adam Rose: Rose is doing his party pooper gimmick. Match turned into a dance contest with Rose trying to prove how good he is. Truth hits an axe kick & it’s over. Much like Slater/Fandango match, it was a time waster in what was a stellar card.

King Barrett vs Ryback: Barrett controlled the match early on with a Barrett chant starting up but Ryback came back with all his power moves & eventually wins it via shell shocked. It started off weak but finished strong.

Roman Reigns VS Bray Wyatt in a NO DQ match: Wyatt somehow cut his hand on something & it was bleeding profusely. Jamie Noble, security, & a doctor rushed out twice to try to bandage it up. I heard Noble yell to the ref to have Roman hit the power bomb to finish the match. They eventually stitched it up & the match resumed with interference from Strowman & Ambrose. The ending saw Reigns finish Wyatt with a spear.

Overall, a much better crowd then when they came up a year ago. Aside from Fandango/Slater & R-Truth/Rose it was a damn good card considering all the talent is at MSG on the WWE Network.