nxt takeover respect

NXT Takeover Respect Results (10/7): Bayley vs Sasha Banks, Bálor And Samoa Joe Stand Tall!

Tyler Breeze vs Apollo Crews

Crews backs Breeze into the corner, then into the ropes. The referee separates them and Breeze locks in a side headlock. Crews fights out and hits a picture perfect drop kick on Breeze. Breeze rolls to the outside. Crews crushes Breeze with a forearm. Breeze attacks Crews before he can get back in the ring. Breeze attempts a suplex, but Breeze ends up getting picked up in a delayed vertical suplex.

 Breeze ends up on the outside. Crews follows and picks Breeze up for a powerslam. Breeze wiggles out and sends Crews flying into the ring apron back first. Breeze gets a long two count. Breeze works over Crews’ back with a seated chin lock and a modified back cracker for another two count. Breeze goes to the top turnbuckle. Crews picks him up in a gorilla press, but Breeze reverses it and locks in a sharpshooter. Crews eventually gets to the ropes. Breeze argues with the referee and as soon as he turns around Crews floors him with a clothesline.

Crews is about to powerbomb Breeze but Breeze hurricanranas out of it. Crews responds with a Enzguri. Crews attempts a front flip but he clutches his back. In that split second Breeze hits the supermodel kick for yet another two count. Breeze tries a splash off the top, but Crews catches him in midair and powerslams him. Crews goes for his gorilla press set up for his finish. Crews goes for his standing Moonsault, but Breeze grabs his leg. Crews kicks Breeze in the head and goes for his Moonsault but Breeze gets his knees up and locks in a small package that Crews barley kicks out of. Crews picks up Breeze in a atomic drop but spins Breeze around into a powerbomb for the win.

Winner- Apollo Crews