Complete WWE Smackdown TV Taping Results For Tonight *Spoilers*

Backstage segment with Paige and Natalya. Paige apologizing to Natalya saying she wants to make it right and misses her being her friend. Natalya says Paige has a long way to go but this is a start and walks away. Paige is left by herself looking sad.

Dolph Ziggler defeated Rusev
– Summer Rae is guest referee, who clearly shows favoritism to Ziggler. The end sees Rusev with a nasty super kick and Rae slowly counts, and Ziggler kicks out at 2. Rusev gets up, kicks the ropes yells at her. Summer smacks Rusev, and he gets hit with the Zig Zag from Ziggler, and Ziggler gets the win.
– Summer gets the mic and says she was devastated by Rusev and Lana’s cheating. Summer says she and Ziggler have chemistry, but Ziggler says he has chemistry with a lot of girls and that he isn’t playing her games. He drops the mic and walks out.

Renee Young interviews The Dudley Boyz and Ambrose. Dudleys talk about winning the tag belts at HIAC. Ambrose says Dudleyville reminds him of his home sweet home Cincinnati.