impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (10/14): World Title Series Continues, New Series Groups Revealed, Shera In-Action and More

First Match: Group Tag Team Specialist Davey Richards vs. Matt Hardy in a TNA World Title Series Match  

Hardy and Richards lock up. Hardy with a wrist lock. Hardy with a headlock. Richards with a dropkick. Richards wraps Hardy leg around for a submission attempt. Richards with a headbutt. Richards with a running forearm and a back suplex. Richards dives off the top rope and eats a boot from Hardy. Richards with kicks Hardy ribs on the ring apron. Hardy with the side effect on the ring apron. Hardy brings Richards back into the ring and gets a two count. Hardy with three running leg drops for a two count. Richards with right hands to Hardy midsection. Hardy with the sleeper hold. Hardy with a neck breaker for a two count. Hardy whips Richards into the corner. Hardy with a elbow drop that sends Richards off the second rope for a two count. Hardy with knees to the midsection of Richards. Hardy with a top rope elbow drop.

Richards with a backstabber. Richards and Hardy exchange back and forth forearms. Richards with a suicide dive to the outside. Richards rolls Hardy back into the ring. Richards with a dropkick from the top rope. Richards with kicks to Hardy chest. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate and Richards counters with a Creeping Death attempt. Hardy counters and goes for another Twist of Fate and Richards backslides Hardy for a two count. Hardy with a side effect. Richards drives his shoulders to the ribs of Hardy. Richards puts Hardy on the top rope and goes for the top rope superplex. Hardy knocks Richards down. Hardy jumps off the top rope and Richards kicks Hardy in the chest. Richards with a back suplex. Richards goes for the double foot stomp and Hardy gets out of the way and connects with the Twist of Fate to pickup the victory.

Winner: Matt Hardy + 3 Points 


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