Kofi Kingston Shares Workout Tips With Men’s Journal, Check Out The Latest Episode Of ‘Taste Of Tenille’ w/ Emma (Video)

wwe rawKofi Kingston

WWE Tag Team Champion Kofi Kingston was recently featured by Men’s Journal and shared workout tips. Kofi talks about his different workouts, the right training, giving your time recovery time, and more. You can read a few excerpts below: 

In Case You Can’t Afford a Trainer…
“I used to go to the magazine stands. The most important thing is to find the time to get to the gym. The average person doesn’t have to worry about being in tip-top shape. A lot of these fitness magazines will tell you one thing, and the next week, you’ll see the exact opposite, so you have to find what works for you. What’s put in a magazine is not for everybody, but if you can find a few things from a few different workouts, you get to make your own workout and know your body. If being healthy is important to you, you’ll find the time to work out.”

Find time to sleep
“It’s definitely important to find the time to fit sleep in. If I have a free moment, I’ll just crash. I don’t have a problem sleeping on planes or car rides or wherever. I try to get a few eight-hour sessions in on the weekends on the road or between shows. I am not the best example for somebody who gets enough sleep. The rest is almost as important as the actual workout. A lot of people run themselves into the ground, but you need that rest time to recuperate and recover.”

Taste Of Tenille 

The following is the latest episode of “Taste Of Tenille”, featuring WWE Diva Emma. This week’s show features flatbread pizza: 


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