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The Lucha Dragons vs King Barrett and Sheamus

Kalisto and Sheamus start off. Sheamus is trying to bully Kalisto, smacking him in the head and berating him. Kalisto kicks Sheamus in the leg a few times, but Sheamus hits a shoulder block that allows him to take control. Barrett tags in, but he gets tripped into the turnbuckle. Sin Cara tags in and his a tope con hilo into the ring.

After a commercial break Barrett and Sheamus are taking turns working over Kalisto. Kalisto front flips over Sheamus and tags in Sin Cara, who cleans house. Sin Cara is about to splash Sheamus, but Barrett distracts him long enough for Sheamus to kick the rope. Sin Car falls and front flips right onto Sheamus’s knees. Barrett tags in and flapjacks Sin Cara into a kick. Irish curse backbreaker by Sheamus for a two count. Sheamus hits ten beats of the bowery before tagging in Barrett, who hits a running big boot that sends Sin Cara flying out to the apron. Sheamus picks up Sin Cara for a suplex, but Sin Cara knees Sheamus in the head and immediately DDTs him. Kalisto tags in hits a few kicks to Sheamus, followed by a springboard tornado splash. Barrett calls for the bull hammer, but Kalisto reverses it into Salida del sol for the win!

Winners- The Lucha Dragons

Backstage Jack Swagger confronts Zeb Colter. Swagger asks Colter why he is with Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio walks in and tells Swagger to stay away from Colter.