Alundra Blayze Dreaming of a Women’s Championship Match, Bullet Club Poses in Balor Club Shirts (Photo)

Alundra Blayze Continues Tease of Match with Paige

WWE Hall of Famer Alundra Blayze has posted the following to Twitter. It continues the on-line feud that has been going on between her and Paige. In this post she talks about dreaming of a Women’s Championship Match with Paige:


I’m dreaming of a white @realpaigewwe #womenschampionship Match…. (The real championship) and by the way, Be careful for what you wish for…. Don’t forget who is on my side for #teamMAD! Bull Nakano and Nattie! I believe you have nobody? You ruined all your chances of anyone ever trusting you. How does it feel to be alone Paige… Better yet since I have that ultimate trust and friendship with the Japanese I’m sure Asuka wouldn’t mind coming in and doing some collateral damage. So let’s say you’re thinking, “who can I ask too help support me or be in my corner?” you already called out some great legends like Trish and Lita and a few others, you really think anyone wants to help you now? Be afraid really afraid because if you do your due diligence I was the leader of covert operation’s in the dangerous alliance and I am still best friends with Paul Heyman @heymanhustle

A photo posted by Madusa (@madusa_rocks) on

Bullet Club as Balor Club

WWE NXT Champion Finn Balor has just tweeted out the following pictures showing many of his former Bullet Club associates in Balor Club T-Shirts.