WWE RAW Results (11/9) The WWE World Title Tournament Begins, Bray Wyatt Delivers A Eulogy For The Undertaker!

Becky Lynch vs Paige

As soon as the bell rings Paige and Becky charge each other and lock up. They roll to the outside and back into the ring without letting go. Becky hits two arm drags and locks in an arm bar. Paige reverses and traps Becky in a tree of woe while pulling Becky’s arms behind her. Paige locks in an abdominal stretch, but Becky reverses. Paige tries to kick Becky, but Becky catches Paige’s leg and tosses her across the ring with a t-bone suplex. Becky hits the ropes but Paige kicks Becky in the chest. Paige hits the Ram-Paige, but Becky grabs the bottom rope. Paige rolls up Becky, but Becky reverses it and grabs Paige’s tights to get the win.

Winner- Becky Lynch

After the match Paige attacks Becky and locks on the PTO on the announce table. Charlotte makes the save.

Dolph Ziggler vs The Miz

Both Ziggler and Miz are trying to end this quickly, each trying to hit their finishers. Miz grounds Ziggler, working over his knee to lock in the figure four. Miz misses his corner clothesline. Ziggler almost DDT’s Miz, but Miz tosses him off and kicks him in the face. Miz locks in the figure four. Ziggler manages to get to the ropes. Miz release the hold and complains to the ref. Miz walks back over to Ziggler, but Ziggler superkicks Miz for the win.

Winner- Dolph Ziggler

Dolph Ziggler advances in the WWE World title tournament.