king barrett

Wayne Rooney Slaps King Barrett at Raw in The UK, More News on WWE Title Tourney, New Day Tweets Photo of Unamused Security Guard

Wayne Rooney Slaps King Barrett at Raw in The UK has announced that UK football star Wayne Rooney will appear on Raw tonight at ringside, and during the show King Barrett confronted Rooney, who he has had beef with before.

Barrett approached Rooney, who was seated at ringside with his son, and proceeded to rip Man U’s chances at winning the Barclays Premier League while touting his hometown Preston North End F.C. You can read more at this link.

More News on WWE Title Tourney

A total of 5 first round WWE World Title tournament matches will air on Raw tonight.

New Day Tweets Photo of Unamused Security Guard

Big E Tweeted the following photo from WWE’s live event in Leeds, UK: