wwe smackdown

WWE SmackDown Results (11/12) – Usos vs. Wyatts, WWE World Title Tournament Continues?, Undertaker Responds To Bray Wyatt’s Challenge

Fourth Match: Alberto Del Rio w/Zeb Colter vs. Stardust in a WWE World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Match 

Stardust rolls up Del Rio for a one count. Del Rio with clubbing blows to the back of Stardust. Del Rio with a suplex to Stardust for a one count. Stardust with a running uppercut to Del Rio. Stardust clothesline Del Rio over the top rope. Del Rio with enziguri to Stardust who’s on the second rope. Del Rio sends Stardust to the barricade. Del Rio with a headlock to Stardust. Del Rio with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker to Stardust for a two count. Del Rio sends Stardust shoulder first to ring post. Stardust with kicks to the midsection of Del Rio. Stardust with four forearms to Del Rio. Del Rio knocks Stardust off the top rope. Del Rio with a running enziguri to Stardust for a two count.

Del Rio with a armbreaker to Stardust with Del Rio holding onto the ropes and he breaks the submission hold at the referee’s four count. Stardust with two shoulder tackles. Stardust with a back elbow and a Diamond Dust to Del Rio for a two count. Stardust with the Dark Matter to Del Rio for a two count. Del Rio with the backstabber. Del Rio with a running clothesline to Stardust for a one count. Del Rio goes for the Cross Armbreaker and Stardust gets out and Stardust connects with the Disaster Kick for a two count. Del Rio with kicks to the shoulder of Stardust in the corner. Stardust goes up top and Del Rio knocks him off the top rope. Del Rio with a running kick to the back of Stardust and connects with the Double Foot Stomp to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Alberto Del Rio 

 Roman Reigns Promo: 

Renee Young asks Reigns to talk about his upcoming match with Cesaro on Raw. Chasing for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship has been like climbing Mount Everest for him this past year. Everytime he gets back up he gets sent back down. Reigns says that he’s fighting a avalanche in Cesaro on Monday and he won’t stop him. Renee brings up Triple H and Reigns says that Triple H is trying to manipulate him, but Triple H did get one thing right about him. He’s not a sellout, he doesn’t take handouts, he brings the big fight just like he will this Monday and at Survivor Series he will be on top of the mountain as the sole survivor of this tournament and you can believe that. 


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