wwe smackdown

WWE SmackDown Results (11/12) – Usos vs. Wyatts, WWE World Title Tournament Continues?, Undertaker Responds To Bray Wyatt’s Challenge

Fifth Match: The Usos vs. The Wyatt Family (Luke Harper & Erick Rowan)

The Usos and Wyatts immediately brawl. Harper sends Jimmy to the outside. The Usos & Wyatts continue the brawl on the outside. Jey with a uppercut to Rowan. Jey with a dropkick. Jey with four forearms to Rowan in the corner. Rowan with a fallaway slam to Jey off the second rope. Rowan with a vice grip to Jey. Rowan with a shoulder tackle. Rowan with a boot to the chest of Jey. Rowan tags in Harper. Harper steps on Jey’s wrist. Harper knocks Jimmy off the ring apron. Harper with chops to the chest of Jey. Jey with two uppercuts to Harper. Harper uppercuts Jey to the ring apron. Harper tags in Rowan. Rowan with a headlock to Jey. Rowan falls onto Jey for a two count. Rowan with a headbutt to Jey. Jey sends Rowan shoulder first to the ring post. Rowan tags in Harper. Jey sends Harper to the outside.

Jey tags in Jimmy. Jimmy with two clothesline, a superkick and a uppercut. Jimmy with a enziguri to Harper for a two count. Jimmy goes for the stink face and Rowan sends Jimmy to the outside. Jey dives onto Rowan. Jimmy with a crossbody to Harper. Rowan sends Jey to the ring steps. Jimmy with the Samoan Drop to Harper. Jimmy with a corkscrew splash off the top rope to Rowan. Jimmy goes for the suicide dive and Rowan catches Jimmy and Harper gives Jimmy a superkick. Harper with a powerbomb to Jimmy. Jey with a Uso Splash to Harper. Rowan with a running splash to Jey. Jimmy with two superkicks that sends Harper to the outside. The Usos connect with the double superkick to Rowan. Usos with double team suicide dives to Rowan and Harper on the outside and Bray Wyatt gets off his rocking chair. Bray is pissed. The Wyatt Family surround the ring. Strowman and Wyatt come in to cause the disqualification. The family lays out The Usos. Bray Wyatt with the Sister Abigail to Jimmy. The gong goes off and Undertaker’s music hits. Undertaker tells Bray Wyatt that at Survivor Series his family will rest in peace. 

Winner: The Usos by DQ 

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