EC3 Talks TNA’s Move to POP TV, The TNA Title Series, Creative Challenges, His Favorite & Least Favorite TNA Opponent, More

On TNA’s ability to try new things:

“I love the idea. It’s 2015, going on 2016- it’s very hard to be innovative in entertainment and trying new thing and thinking outside the box while not resting on the laurels of the past and what’s cool about it is we have the opportunity to try new things and I think it’s been a far greater success than anyone has anticipated.”

What does 2016 hold for ECIII:

“I would mark 2015 down as the best year of my life. Now, I beat a couple of legends, became World Heavyweight Champion, ascended to the very top of the industry, I got two cats- that was a big deal in 2015. Again, very big year for me, but you can’t rest on what you did in the past and 2016 is a whole new year. There’s more pressure on me and people will be chasing after me and I welcome that challenge and looking forward to that very much. As far as my personal goals, I mean, winning the World Title Series, capping off the year being two-time unbeaten Champion, opening the show January 5th live on Pop TV on Impact Wrestling as the World Heavyweight Champion and then holding it for the whole calendar year; that’s my goals.”

What challenge does he see in being new and creative:

“I don’t think that biggest challenge has come yet because evolution is very important and from the day I walked in to today; I guess the evolution came about with being more aggressive and confident in the ability to win but I think my biggest challenge is yet to come as far as evolving who ECIII is. And I think 2016 will be the year we see it.”

Who has ECIII both most and least liked of have faced in TNA:

“I have a favorite and a least favorite. My favorite would be Kurt Angle because he’s the greatest wrestler to have ever lived and I was able to learn a lot by overcoming the odds and defeating him, so that would be the greatest. And my least favorite would have to be Matt Hardy because all of this misery is because of him. He’s conniving and generally evil, I dislike him very much and I look forward to being the one person to knock him out of the World Title Series and then out of wrestling in general.”