tna one night only

TNA One Night Only PPV Results (1/8): Angle and Galloway Team Up, New Knockouts #1 Contender, Mike Bennett Debuts and More

Abyss vs Grado in a Monster’s Ball Match:

The match was pretty much dominated by Abyss, and saw the usual Monster’s Ball spots. At one point Grado fought back and knocked Abyss into a barbed wire table. A cheese grater was used at one point in the bout, and Grado was put through a table from the top rope turbuckle onto the outside.

Abyss then sets up one of the barbed wire boards on the turnbuckle while grabbing the bat, Grado avoids some bat swings from Abyss before nailing him with a chair. Grado then hits Abyss with a big boot and that knocks Abyss into one of the barbed wire boards, Grado sandwiched Abyss between the barbed wire boards before doing a top rope splash onto him for a near fall. Grado gets the barbed wire baseball bat and Abyss choke slams him on the thumbtacks instead for the three count.

Winner: Abyss

Eli Drake and Jessie Godderz vs The Wolves vs Kurt Angle and Drew Galloway for the TNA Tag Team Titles:

The match begins with Richards and Godderz in the ring, Edwards tags in quickly and The Wolves nail Godderz with a double team maneuver. Drake interferes and he clotheslines a distracted Edwards, Drake tags in and he goes to work on Edwards. Drake then crushes Edwards with a suplex to get a near fall, Godderz tags back in and he kicks Edwards in the midsection before landing a press slam. Godderz stomps all over Edwards while mocking Angle, Edwards fights back by nailingGodderz with a suplex. Edwards tries for a tag and Drake knocks Richards off of the ring apron, Edwards then nails Godderz with a missile drop kick. Angle gets the tag from Edwards and he takes everybody out with suplexes, Angle then suplexes both members of The Wolves at the same time.


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