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Whatever Happened to the “It’s Still Real to Me Dammit” Guy?, WWE Profiles New NXT Rookies, Lana Appearing at Improv Club

Lana Appearing at Improv Club

WWE Diva Lana will be appearing at the Upright Citizens Brigade “Tournament of Nerds” show tonight at 11:59pm in Los Angeles. You can get more information at this link.

WWE Profiles New NXT Rookies has published an article about NXT rookies Lovepreet Sangha and Satender Ved Pal, now known in WWE as Kishan Raftar and Jeet Rama, respectively, making their in-ring debuts this week in India.

Whatever Happened to the “It’s Still Real to Me Dammit” Guy?

For those of you wondering whatever happened to the “It’s Still Real to Me Dammit” guy, Bill Apter found him at WrestleCade in November 2015 and grabbed this exclusive “Apter Chat!”: