WWE Releases Off-Air SD! Footage of R-Truth B-Day Celebration, Taz Reacts to Josh Bredl’s Twitter Comment, Flair/WMania Party

Flair/WMania Party

Ric Flair will be doing a pre-Wrestlemania 32 meet and greet at The Fishbone Grill & Sports Bar on Sunday, April 3rd. The bar is located right across the street from AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas, and the event will start at 3 PM. For tickets to the event, click here.

Taz Reacts to Josh Bredl’s Twitter Comment

In response to the backstage heat garnered by WWE Tough Enough winner Josh Bredl, following a disrespectful Tweet posted on Twitter, Taz reacted by Tweeting the following:

WWE Releases Off-Air SD! Footage of R-Truth B-Day Celebration

WWE has released the following “what you won’t see” on Smackdown video, featuring an off-air birthday celebration for R-Truth after Smackdown goes off the air Thursday night:

Photo Credit: YouTube.com/WWEFanNation