wwe smackdown

WWE SmackDown Results (1/21) – Reigns vs. The League of Nations, Owens & Ambrose Shine On Miz TV!

Third Match: Ryback vs. Bray Wyatt w/The Wyatt Family 

Wyatt shoves Ryback. Ryback with a crossbody to Wyatt. Ryback with a series of right hands. Ryback with the Lou Thez Press to Wyatt. Wyatt sends Ryback to the outside. Wyatt with a side slam to Ryback onto the ring apron. Ryback with a big powerbomb to Wyatt. Ryback with a superkick and a splash to Wyatt for a two count. Ryback goes for the Frog Splash, but Wyatt rolls out of the way. Wyatt with a side slam and a senton for a one count. Ryback with a spine buster for a two count. Ryback with the Meat Hook Clothesline to Wyatt. Ryback goes for the Shell Shock and Harper and Rowan hop on the ring apron to distract the referee. Strowman drags Ryback to the outside. Strowman irish whips Ryback rib first to the steel ring steps. Wyatt with the Sister Abigail to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Bray Wyatt 

Fourth Match: Stardust vs. Titus O’Neil 

Stardust rolls out of the ring. O’Neil launches Stardust to the corner. O’Neil chops Stardust in the chest. Stardust rolls out of the ring. Stardust bull rushes O’Neil back first to the steel ring step. Stardust sends O’Neil back first to the barricade. Stardust continues to work on the back of O’Neil. Stardust with a armbar. O’Neil with a elbow to the midsection of Stardust. O’Neil with two shoulders tackle and a boot to Stardust. O’Neil with the Gator Splash. Stardust with a DDT for a two count. Stardust goes up top, but O’Neil connects with the Clash of the Titus to pickup the victory.

Winner: Titus O’Neil