wwe smackdown

WWE SmackDown Results (1/28) – The Wyatt’s Crash The Highlight Reel, AJ Styles SmackDown Debut

First Match: The Usos, Dolph Ziggler and Titus O’Neil vs. The New Day & The Miz 

Woods and Jey start off the match. Miz tags himself in. Miz and Jey lock up. Jey with a side headlock to The Miz. Jey with a running shoulder tackle. Miz goes for a hip toss, but Jey counters with a hip toss. Jey dances in the middle of the ring. Jey with a right hand to Miz for a one count. Jey tags in Jimmy. Usos with a double team elbow drop for a one count. Miz with a jaw breaker to Jimmy and tags in Kofi. Jimmy tags in O’Neil. O’Neil chops Kofi in the chest. O’Neil brings Kofi to his teams corner and continues to chop him in the chest. O’Neil drags Kofi around the ring like a rag doll and tags in Ziggler. Ziggler with a standing dropkick for a one count. Kofi tries to crawl out of the ring, but regains momentum with a dropkick. Kofi tags in Woods. Woods with a dropkick to Ziggler for a one count. Woods sends Ziggler to the corner and tags in Big E. Big E with a slam to Ziggler for a one count. Ziggler kicks Big E in the chest. Ziggler with a baseball slide and tags in Jimmy.

Jimmy with a kick to the mid section of Big E. Jimmy connects with a Samoan Drop and drops Big E with the running stinkface. Jimmy knocks The New Day and Miz off the ring apron. Big E attacks Jimmy from behind. Big E with a belly to belly suplex to Jimmy. Coming out of the break The New Day and The Miz begin the Unicorn Stampede. Miz with a corner clothesline to Jimmy. Woods plays Francesca 2. Kofi kicks Jimmy in the back of the head. Kofi distracts the referee as Miz lands a series of left hands to the back of Jimmy’s head. Jimmy with a enziguri to Kofi. Kofi tags in Woods. Jimmy whips Woods to the middle rope. Miz and O’Neil are tagged in. O’Neil with a shoulder tackle and a clothesline to Miz. O’Neil clothesline Big E over the top rope. O’Neil with a big boot to Miz. Kofi dives off the top rope, but O’Neil catches him and lands a series of back breakers. O’Neil with a Stinger Splash to Kofi in the corner and connects with a powerslam for a two count. Usos with superkicks for Big E and Woods. The Usos strike with a double team planchas over the top rope. Ziggler with a Zig Zag to Woods. Miz goes for the Skull Crushing Finale, but Ziggler counters with a superkick. O’Neil connects with The Clash of The Titus to pickup the victory.

Winner: The Usos, Dolph Ziggler and Titus O’Neil