WWE RAW Results (2/8): Daniel Bryan’s Retirement Speech, Contract Signing for the Main Event of Fastlane, and Much More!

Before each commercial break they are airing Daniel Bryan highlights. It’s hard not to get somewhat emotional about all of this. It’s a shame that this is how it ends.

Backstage the Usos are painting each other’s faces. The Dudley Boyz walk in. The Dudleys are lobbying to join the Usos in their tables match against New Day later tonight. The Usos agree to let the Dudleys in.

Um… for some reason a Ryback vignette airs…

Ugh. A random Ryback hype video in the middle or Raw? No good can come from this.

Charlotte vs Alicia Fox

Charlotte gets the early advantage. As Charlotte parades around the ring (doing her best Ric Flair impression) Fox kicks Charlotte in the face. Fox lands a northern lights suplex, but Charlotte kicks out. Charlotte manages to neckbreaker Fox off the second rope for a near fall. Charlotte figure fours around Fox’s neck and slams her head into the mat over and over again. Fox manages a brief flurry, but its all for naught. Charlotte spears Fox and locks on the figure eight for the submission.

Winner- Charlotte


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