Lucha Underground Results (2/17) – Puma vs Pentagon Jr, Joey Ryan’s Debut, Rey Mysterio Sighting

Rey Mysterio & Dragon Aztec Jr. Segment: 

Mysterio explains the mythology surrounding Dario Cueto. Mysterio tells a story about Cueto coming to Mexico when he was young, and meeting with Azteca to find a way to find the seven descendants of the old gods. Rey is obsessed with the dark side of the legends, and may have even sacrificed his own son to the old gods to become more powerful. Matanza is trying to kill the seven tribes to reign supreme. Mystero training Dragon Azteca. Mysterio tells Azteca to not go looking for revenge for his old mentor, but rather for something stronger. Unite the seven tribes and defeat the evil of Matanza and Dario Cueto.

Third Match: Prince Puma vs. Pentagon Jr. 

Puma and Pentagon begin to push each other. Pentagon with a side headlock to Puma. Pentagon with a shoulder tackle and Puma pops back up. Puma with a dropkick that sends Pentagon to the outside. Pentagon drags Puma to the outside and chops him in the chest. Pentagon rolls Puma back into the ring. Pentagon with another big chop to the chest of Puma. Pentagon with a powerbomb to Puma for a two count. Pentagon continues to ground Puma. Puma with a re-direction cutter to Pentagon. Puma with a side kick to Pentagon. Puma with a springboard forearm to Pentagon. Puma with a suicide dive and rolls Pentagon back into the ring. Puma goes for the pin and Pentagon kicks out at two.

Pentagon with a backstabber to Puma for a two count. Pentagon goes for the Pump-Handle slam, but Puma counters with a armdrag. Puma goes for a springboard moonsault, but Pentagon counters with a dropkick midair for a two count. Puma and Pentagon begin to slap and chop each other. Puma with a roundhouse kick. Puma with a Norther Lights Suplex. Puma transitions into a delayed vertical suplex for a two count. Puma connects with the 450 Splash for a two count. Pentagon Jr with a superkick to Puma. Pentagon with the Package Piledriver to Puma. Pentagon gets Puma in a surfboard submission hold, but Pentagon Jr’s shoulders were down and Puma picks up the victory. After the match Pentagon superkicks referee Marty Elias. Puma goes for the Pentagon Jr Fujiwara Arm-Bar, but Puma decides to not break Pentagon’s arm. 

Winner: Prince Puma 

Sexy Star is running down the hall way very distraught and she runs into The Mack. The Mack asks Star who did this to her and Star says that it was “The Moth” Marty Martinez. 

Thank you guys so much for checking out our coverage of this week’s Lucha Underground. Make sure to continue the conversation in the WrestleZone Forums.

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