WWE SmackDown Results (3/3) – Owens vs Ambrose, Who’s The Number Contender ?, Bray Has A Message For Brock Lesnar

Second Match: Dolph Ziggler vs. The Miz 

Miz drops Ziggler with a forearm as the bell rings. Miz lands a series of left hands to Ziggler. Miz connects with multiple boot’s to the face of Ziggler for a two count. Miz drags Ziggler to the corner. Miz begins to stomp on Ziggler’s chest. Miz goes for running flying corner clothesline, but Ziggler counters with a backslide to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Dolph Ziggler 

Golden Truth Backstage Segment: 

Truth is in catering fooling around with some of backstage employees. Truth sees Goldust sitting by himself at one of the tables. Truth decides to go sit next to Goldust, but Goldust is being reclusive. Truth says that he was harsh this past Monday and he apologizes. Goldust says that he’s not a joke and he doesn’t need Truth to scorn him. Truth says that he finally sees Goldust vision and thinks that the Golden Truth name is hot. Goldust says sure why don’t I agree to being Truth’s tag team partner, so he can throw his plate at his face. Goldust says that he’s not a idiot and he decides his rub his food all over his face. Goldust then asks Truth who’s the real idiot now and walks away. 


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