wwe raw

WWE RAW Results (3/21): Ambrose vs Strowman, Styles vs Owens, Major Stipulation Added to Hell in a Cell Match at WrestleMania!

Backstage Owens walks into Stephanie’s office. Owens asks her if there could be a triple threat match later to see who the contender will be. Stephanie says okay.

The League of Nations are in the ring bragging about destroying the New Day last week. The New Day comes out and tells the League that they are trash (with visual aids). A massive brawl between New Day and the League breaks out. The League ends up retreating. The official tries to calm everyone down so the intended match can start.

Big E. vs Rusev

Rusev rolls to the outside and Big E. follows him. Big E. tosses Rusev back in the ring. Big E. follows that with a one-man unicorn stampede. Big E. drapes Rusev on the apron and hits a running splash. After the break Rusev has a rear chinlock with body scissors on Big E. Rusev beats down Big E. with multiple stomps, kicks, and punches. Rusev hits the ropes and runs right into the belly-to-booty suplex. Big E. lands two more belly-to-booty suplexes. Big E. misses a running splash. Rusev almost takes Big E.’s head off with a running wheel kick. Rusev misses a savate kick. Big E. gets a near fall after a uranage suplex. Big E. misses the spear through the ropes.

Rusev kicks Big E. in the back of the head for another near fall. Rusev telegraphs a back body drop, which allows Big E. to finally hit the running splash. Barrett distracts Big E. long enough for Rusev to kick Big E. in the head once again. Woods takes out Barrett and Del Rio, but Sheamus clotheslines him out of his boots. Big E. hits the ropes as if he is going to spear Rusev, but Big E. spears Sheamus instead. Kingston kicks Rusev in the back of the head. Big E. gets back in the ring and hits the big ending for the win.

Winner- Big E.