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Kevin Owens Or Sami Zayn: Who Is Moving Upwards Faster?, Possible Bullet Club Booking Swerve

(Photo by JP Yim/Getty Images)
(Photo by JP Yim/Getty Images)

Bullet Club

Blake Mitchamore wrote a new blog for looking at the potential booking of the Bullet Club. Here’s a sample:

If you follow wrestling news sites this week you saw a new rumor surface.  What if Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson side with Roman Reigns instead of AJ Styles? When I first heard it I thought it was absolutely stupid. The more I thought about it, the more I got intrigued about the possibility of it.

I think this angle could be potentially very big for the WWE. They have to execute it correctly though. You have to stay patient because you can’t rush this.

The debut of Anderson and Gallows was the perfect start if you’re heading down this road. Their path of destruction must continue.

I would not have Gallows and Anderson join in the Tag Team Tournament. You don’t need to have Gallows and Anderson join AJ Styles or even show their affiliation at Payback. For the next few weeks Gallows and Anderson don’t need to show any affiliation or have any matches. They simply need to show up every week and attack different talents on the roster. If Shane McMahon remains the on-air authority figure they can even attack at him one point. Don’t have them cut any promos or reveal their reason for being in WWE. You have to keep it a mystery.

CLICK HERE to read the rest of the blog and booking potential.

Owens Or Zayn

This final video of the weekend episode of CSR is asking Kevin Owens or Sami Zayn: who is moving upwards faster?



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