TNA Impact Wrestling TV Taping Results for 5/10 and 5/17 *Spoilers*

tna impact wrestling

TNA taped the following tonight in Orlando for the 5/10 and 5/17 editions of Impact Wrestling, according to

-Jeff Hardy came to the ring for a promo. He has an issue with Decay who comes out. Apparently Decay were paid to take out Jeff Hardy. In time, who paid them would be revealed. Decay go after Jeff but James Storm comes out for the save. He said that he and Jeff Hardy want to challenge for the tag team titles.

-Decay defeated James Storm and Jeff Hardy when Hardy got pinned. At one point, the lights went out and when they came on, Willow appeared on the ramp distracting Hardy, which led to the pin.

Read Also: TNA Impact Wrestling TV Taping Results for 5/3 *Spoilers*

-Gail Kim vs Jade goes to a no contest when Sienna (formerly Allysin Kay) comes out and beats both of them down.

-Al Snow comes out and cuts a promo about being the Trump of wrestling and building a wall around the business and decide who gets in. In a match, Mahabali Shera defeated Al Snow when Grado returned and stopped Al from using a weapon. Snow had cheated a few times earlier in the match.


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