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Jim Ross Reveals Two WWE Talents With Main Event Potential, More on WWE Releasing an Announcer, FOX News on Wrestlers Dying Young

More on WWE Releasing an Announcer

As noted, WWE reportedly released announcer Rich Brennan on Wednesday of this week, and his Twitter account has already been deleted. The personal Twitter account of Brennan, real name Rich Bocchini, Tweeted the following:

Read Also: WWE Announcer Reportedly Released

FOX News Looks at Wrestlers Dying Young

In the wake of Joanie “Chyna” Laurer’s death, FOX News has published a piece about professional wrestlers dying young.

JR Says Two WWE Talents Have Main Event Potential

Jim Ross recently updated the blog section of, and while watching Raw this week, JR predicts that both Cesaro and Apollo Crews will one day be main eventing in WWE. Ross had the following to say about Crews:

“Apollo Crews is beginning to build momentum thanks to him simply winning all his matches in impressive fashion. (Funny how tht works.) I’d like to see Apollo take it easier on this knees but his flying style, he’s certainly a thick flyer that’s for sure, is inherently challenging to one’s knees thanks to the landings. Crews is a helluva prospect and has a legit chance to be a main event player for years to come. No guarantees but hes got all the tools or so it seems.”