john cena
(Photo by Rob Kim/Getty Images)

How Much Is John Cena Benching?, 17 450 Splashes That’ll Make Your Head Spin on WWE Fury (Video), Tino Sabbatelli Talks NXT Goals

John Cena Bench Press

John Cena posted the following video of his bench press. In the video Cena is seen benching 375 pounds. You can see the video below: 

Tino Sabbatelli Talks NXT Goals

The Portland Tribune recently spoke with WWE NXT Superstar Tino Sabbatelli to promote the upcoming NXT live event Portland. During the intervidew, Sabbatelli had the following to say on his goals in WWE and NXT:

“I’ve never done anything in my life to be mediocre. I told the WWE (executives) I would never accept the challenge if I didn’t think I could become the best.”

WWE Fury

WWE has released the following WWE Fury video featuring 17 450 splashes. You can see the video below: