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WWE NXT Results (5/25): Huge Match Announced for Takeover, New Number One Contender for the Women’s Title Named!

Backstage, Asuka is asked who she thinks will win the number one contenders match. Asuka says no matter who wins, she will defeat them.

Bliss immediately leaves the ring. Jax picks up Carmella and sits her on the top rope. Jax slaps Carmella in the chest. Jax slams Carmella. Bliss climbs the top rope, but Jax turns around and sees her. Bliss gets down and goes back to the outside of the ring. So far Bliss has been utilizing a fool proof strategy. Jax misses a clothesline, which allows Carmella to attempt a hurricanrana. Jax holds Carmella in the air. Carmella eventually swings Jax into the turnbuckle. Jax tumbles to the outside. Bliss gets in the ring and attacks Carmella from behind. Jax tries to get back in the ring but Bliss kicks her in the face.

Bliss choke pushes Carmella to the mat. Bliss hits her backflip knee drop on Carmella. Jax breaks up the pin with an elbow drop, but Bliss moves out of the way. Jax flattens Carmella instead. Bliss backflip knee drops Jax. Bliss hits the sparkle splash on Jax, but Carmella breaks up the pin. Bliss and Carmella try to double suplex Jax, but Jax suplexes them both at the same time. Jax charges both Carmella and Bliss but they move out of the way. Jax falls to the floor. Carmella tries to dive onto Jax, but Jax catches her mid-air. Bliss kicks Jax in the head from the apron. Carmella kicks Bliss in the head and finally hits a dive to the outside onto Jax. Carmella hits the bronco buster on Bills. Carmella locks in the triangle choke, but Jax breaks up the submission attempts. Jax picks up Carmella for a bodyslam, but Carmella reverses it into a sleeper hold. Jax breaks the hold. Carmella hits a Thez press from the top for a two count. Jax sends Carmella down to the mat. Jax hits her leg drop finish for the win.

Winner- Nia Jax

After the match, Asuka comes out and gets in the ring. Jax and Asuka go nose to nose. Asuka holds up the belt. Jax tells her if she gets this close to her again, she will drop her where she stands.

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