WWE RAW Results (6/6): Smackdown GM Announced, John Cena Confronts AJ Styles, and Much More!

Chris Jericho vs Cesaro

Cesaro and Jericho trade headlocks before Cesaro gets sent to the mat by Jericho’s shoulder block. Jericho grabs and armbar but Cesaro kips up out of it and floors Jericho with a shoulder block of his own.  Jericho hits the ropes and goes for a crossbody, but Cesaro catches him midair for a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Cesaro dives off the top, but Jericho catches him on the way down with a dropkick. After a short break, Jericho has Cesaro grounded with a side headlock. Cesaro fights out of it. Cesaro hits Jericho with multiple European uppercuts. Jericho mounts the top rope for a double ax handle, but Jericho falls right into a European uppercut. Cesaro goes for the swing, but Jericho reverses it into a small package for a two count.

Cesaro springboards off the middle rope for another European uppercut, but Jericho catches him with the codebreaker. Cesaro rolls to the outside. Jericho drags Cesaro back into the ring, but Cesaro kicks out. Jericho tries to go back to the top rope, but Cesaro destroys him with a roaring European uppercut. Cesaro deadlift suplexes Cesaro back into the ring. Jericho manages to kick out. Jericho kicks Cesaro in the head for another two count. Jericho and Cesaro trade strikes in the middle of the ring. Cesaro sets up the Gotch neutralizer, but Jericho reverses it into the walls of Jericho. Cesaro reverses that into the Cesaro swing, which Cesaro turns into the sharpshooter! Jericho taps out!

Winner- Cesaro


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