WWE NXT Takeover Phoenix Results

WWE NXT Takeover The End Results (6/8): Samoa Joe Defends the NXT Title in a Steel Cage, New Champions Crowned!

NXT Tag Team Championship Match: American Alpha (c) vs The Revival

Gable and Dawson start the match with a test of strength that morphs into Dawson dragging Gable into his corner. Dawson tags in Wilder, but Jordan gets in the ring and all four men stare each other down. Wilder and Gable trade arm drags. Wilder tags Dawson back in. Gable takes Dawson down with a head scissor before tagging in Jordan. Jordan dropkicks Dawson in the face. Jordan then dropkicks Wilder in the face. All four men get in the ring and stare each other down again. An all-out brawl breaks out. Wilder and Dawson try to back body drop Gable and Jordan, but both Gable and Jordan backflip out of it. Jordan and Gable take down Wilder and Dawson and lock in stereo ankle locks. Both members of The Revival get to the ropes.

Wilder trips Jordan, but Jordan responds by taking Wilder over with an amateur wrestling takedown. Wilder and Dawson try to double team Jordan, but Jordan ducks their double clothesline attempt. Gable jumps off the top rope and clotheslines both Wilder and Dawson. The referee gets distracted dealing with Jordan, which allows The Revival to double hotshot Gable on the top rope. The Revival Isolates Gable; each taking turns working over Gable’s shoulder. Dawson misses multiple elbow drop attempts, which allows Gable to hit a sunset flip for a near fall. Gable almost gets to Jordan to for a tag, but Dawson takes him over for a huge Anderson spinebuster. Wilder tags back in and sends Gable to the mat with a European uppercut. Wilder locks in an armbar, but Gable tries to fight out of it. Wilder sits Gable on the top rope, but Gable grabs Wilder’s arm and locks in a hanging armbar.
