WWE NXT Takeover Phoenix Results

WWE NXT Takeover The End Results (6/8): Samoa Joe Defends the NXT Title in a Steel Cage, New Champions Crowned!

The Revival hit the vegomatic on Gable, but Gable kicks out. Gable ducks under Dawson’s legs and tags in Jordan. Jordan hits multiple suplexes on Dawson and Wilder. Jordan hits a spear in the corner on Wilder, followed by a T-bone suplex for a two count. Wilder trips Jordan into the turnbuckle. Dawson goes for a sunset flip while Wilder clotheslines Jordan for another near fall. Jordan reverses a European uppercut into a backslide, but Dawson lands on his feet. Gable tags in and waist locks Dawson. Jordan drop kicks Dawson as Gable takes over Dawson with a German suplex for another close two count. Dawson tries a DDT but Gable hooks the rope. Gable locks in the ankle lock. Dawson kicks Gable into the ropes and Wilder decks him in the face. Dawson rolls up Gable but Gable kicks out. Wilder picks up Gable in a power bomb, and Dawson dives off the top rope, but Gable catches him midair in a belly to belly suplex. Jordan and Gable set up Grand Amplitude, but Dawson pushes Gable out of the way. The Revival hit the Shatter Machine for the pinfall!

Winners and NEW NXT Tag Team Champions- The Revival

After the match, two men clad in black hit the ring and destroy American Alpha. Paul Ellering walks out on the ramp and watches the carnage.