WWE NXT Takeover Phoenix Results

WWE NXT Takeover The End Results (6/8): Samoa Joe Defends the NXT Title in a Steel Cage, New Champions Crowned!

Shinsuke Nakamura vs Austin Aries

Aries tries to shoot on Nakamura, but Nakamura roll Aries up, Aries reverses and they separate. Aries grabs a wrist lock, but Nakamura flips out of it into a wristlock of his own. Aries fight out of it and goes for a dropkick, but Nakamura moves out of the way. Nakamura tries to take Aries’ head off, but Aries moves out of the way. Aries takes Nakamura over with an arm drag and transitions into a dropkick to the face.  Nakamura and Aries go face to face. Nakamura lands a few huge knees to Aries taped up midsection. Nakamura knees Aries in the face. Aries retreats to the corner. Nakamura hits good vibrations twice. On the third attempt, Aries grabs Nakamura foot and knee breakers him. Aries starts to work over Nakamura’s left knee. Aries sets Nakamura up in the corner and dropkicks him in the knee.

Aries locks in a reverse cravat hold. Nakamura fights out of it, but Aries knees him in the gut. Aries goes for his senton, but Nakamura gets his knees up. Aries lands an elbow drop off the second rope, but Nakamura kicks out. Aries proceeds to work over Nakamura’s knee, back, and neck. Aries is employing every tactic he can to slow down Nakamura. Nakamura goes for an enzguri, but Aries ducks. Nakamura spins right into another kick, which finds its mark. Nakamura kicks Aries in the chest over and over again. After a few knees in the corner Nakamura lays Aries on the top rope. Nakamura charges in and lands a stiff running knee to Aries’ gut. Nakamura sets up a reverse exploder, but Aries elbows his way out of it. Aries rolls up Nakamura, but Nakamura kicks out. Aries lands a few knees to Nakamura’s head and looks to be setting up the last chancery. Nakamura manages to stand up out of it. Aries destroys Nakamura with a roaring elbow to the face. Nakamura tumbles to the outside. Aries drags Nakamura back in the ring. Nakamura trips Aries and locks in a triangle. Aries gets to the ropes. Nakamura knees Aries in the head over and over again. Nakamura gord busters Aries and calls for the Kinshasa.
