WWE RAW Results (6/13): The Shield Meet in the Ambrose Asylum, Contract Signing for Styles vs Cena, Final Hype for Money in the Bank!

Backstage, Shane walks into Stephanie’s office. Shane and Stephanie argue about who should take Smackdown. Shane offers to take Smackdown. Stephanie says no. Shane offers to take Raw. Stephanie says no. Stephanie says she is going to take both. Shane says they tried that and she ran both shows into the ground. Corporate Kane walks in and offers his services. Kane gives them his résumé and a letter of recommendation from The Undertaker. Shane asks Kane what he has in mind.

Titus O’Neil walks out on the ramp for his match, but Rusev attacks him from behind. Rusev caps it off by kicking O’Neil in the back of the head and putting him in the accolade. It takes a half dozen referees to get Rusev off of O’Neil. 

Ambrose Asylum

Ambrose puts over the fact that Money in the Bank is going to be just as good as WrestleMania. Ambrose calls Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns to the ring. Reigns and Rollins stare each other down. Ambrose asks Rollins how is knee is. Rollins asks if Ambrose watched his special on the WWE Network. Rollins adds that his knee is 100% ready. Ambrose tries to get Rollins to relax and not be a party pooper. Rollins is standing in the ring stoic. Rollins says he admits they did have some pretty good times. Rollins list a bunch of stuff they did in the past that he enjoyed. Rollins says the best times he ever has ever had in the ring was with Ambrose and Reigns. Rollins goes on to say his favorite was when he took a chair and hit Reigns in it. Or how about when he stole Reigns moment at WrestleMania and won the world title.
