WWE RAW Results (6/13): The Shield Meet in the Ambrose Asylum, Contract Signing for Styles vs Cena, Final Hype for Money in the Bank!

Backstage, Charlotte yells at Brooke for her mistake earlier tonight.

Sheamus vs Zack Ryder

Sheamus is all over Ryder. After the ten beats of the bowery, Ryder dumps Sheamus to the outside. Ryder hits a drop kick and rolls Sheamus back in the ring. Ryder hits the Broski boot and a top rope elbow drop for a two count. Ryder calls for the rough Ryder, but Sheamus reverses it and hits the brogue kick for the win.

Winner- Sheamus

After the match, Sheamus beats down Ryder. Apollo Crews makes the save.

Backstage, Shane, and Kane are still talking. Kevin Owens walks in asks if Stephanie is around. Shane says she isn’t. Owens says that Del Rio just arrived at the arena 20 minutes ago. Owens asks for Del Rio to be taken out of the MITB ladder match. Del Rio burst into the office and says Owens was the one who had him detained at airport security. Kane suggests that they need a team building experience. He suggests that Owens and Del Rio team together tonight against the Lucha Dragons. If the Dragons win, they will take Del Rio and Owens spot in the MITB ladder match. Shane says he likes that idea.