TNA Previews Cataclysmic Conclusion To Hardy’s Feud
TNA’s YouTube page has released the above video teasing the cataclysmic conclusion to Matt and Jeff Hardy’s feud this Tuesday on Impact. The “final” match between the two will take place at their home in North Carolina and in the video one of the many things you can see if Jeff shooting fireworks at his brother during the match.
Cody Rhodes Celebrating A Birthday
Brani Rhodes, the wife of Cody Rhodes, has posted the following photo to Twitter noting that today is Cody’s birthday:
Happy Birthday to my best friend and the greatest husband a gal could dream of. Loving my life with you @CodyRhodes
— Brandi Rhodes (@TheBrandiRhodes) June 30, 2016
EVOLVE’s Gabe Sapolsky On The Taz Show
EVOLVE booker Gabe Sapolsky was a guest on CBS’ The Taz Show earlier this week. You can watch Taz speaking with Sapolsky in the embedded video player below: