wwe battleground
Graphics / Type Treatment By Bill Pritchard

WWE Battleground Results (7/24) – Who’s The WWE Champion? Randy Orton Returns, Owens/Zayn Steal The Show, More

First Match: Charlotte & Dana Brooke vs. Sasha Banks & Bayley 

Charlotte and Brooke immediately attacks Sasha and Bayley before the bell rings. Charlotte whips Bayley back first to the barricade. Charlotte with a ground and pound attack. Brooke knocks Sasha off the ring apron. Mike Chioda gets Charlotte and Brooke backed away from Bayley. Charlotte stomps on Bayley’s chest in the corner. Charlotte lands a series of knife edge chops in the corner. Bayley with a springboard elbow to the Charlotte. Bayley tags in Sasha. Sasha with a series of forearms to Charlotte. Sasha connects with the flying headscissors. Charlotte regains momentum by sending Sasha face first to the second turnbuckle.

Charlotte rolls Sasha back into the ring. Charlotte goes for a pin, but Sasha kicks out at the count of two. Brooke tags herself in. Brooke applies a rear chin lock. Sasha whips Brooke face first to the second rope. Sasha slaps Brooke and tags in Bayley. Bayley with a series of running axe handles to Brooke. Bayley with a flying back elbow to Brooke in the corner. Charlotte distracts Bayley which helps Brooke whip Bayley off the top rope. Bayley with a deep arm drag to Brooke. Brooke kicks Bayley in the gut. Brooke irish whips Bayley back first to the corner. Brooke rams his shoulder repeatedly to the midsection of Bayley in the corner. Bayley rolls Brooke up for a two count.

Brooke and Bayley knock each other down with a running double clothesline. Charlotte and Sasha are tagged in. Sasha with a series of dropkicks to Charlotte. Sasha gets Charlotte tied in the tree of woe. Sasha with a double foot stomp for a two count. Sasha knocks Brooke off the ring apron. Sasha with a flying crossbody onto Charlotte. Sasha goes for a backstabber, but Charlotte holds onto the ropes. Charlotte drops Sasha with Natural Selection for a two count. Brooke tosses Bayley to the outside. Sasha gets Charlotte in the Bank Statement, but Brooke drags Charlotte foot to the bottom rope. Bayley connects with a wrecking ball dropkick to Brooke. Charlotte drops Bayley with a forearm. Sasha gets Charlotte back into the Bank Statement and Charlotte taps out. 

Winner: Sasha Banks & Bayley via Submission