WWE SummerSlam Results (8/21) – Lesnar vs Orton, Styles/Cena, Two New Champions Crowned, More

Second SummerSlam Kickoff Match: The Dudley Boyz vs. Sami Zayn & Neville 

D-Von and Neville starts things off. D-Von applies a wrist lock to Neville. Neville drives D-Von into the corner and tags in Zayn. Neville with a spinning corkscrew splash off the back of Zayn. Neville with a dropkick to the chest of Bubba. Neville goes for a Somersault Plancha, but D-Von drags Neville out of the ring. D-Von with a spinning elbow to Neville for a two count. D-Von applies a rear chin lock. D-Von tags in Bubba. Bubba places Neville on the top rope. Bubba sends Neville back down to the mat with a neck breaker. Bubba tags in D-Von. D-Von goes for the pin, but Zayn breaks the pin attempt. D-Von with an snap mare into a leg drop for a two count.

D-Von with a series of right hands to Neville in the corner. Neville D-Von tags in Bubba. Bubba with a clubbing blow to the back of Neville. Neville fires up with his lightning quick offense. Bubba drops Neville with a back elbow. Bubba goes for a flying senton, but Neville rolls out of the ring. D-Von and Zayn are tagged in. Zayn with a series of clotheslines to D-VON. Zayn connects with the leaping dropkick. Zayn plants D-Von with the Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count as Bubba breaks the pin attempt. D-Von tags in Bubba. The Dudley’s with a double team neck breaker to Zayn for a two count. Dudley’s go for the 3D, but Neville gets on his feet. Bubba goes for a clothesline, but he accidentally hits D-Von. Zayn drops Bubba with a Helluva Kick. Zayn tags in Neville. Neville connects with the Red Arrow to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Sami Zayn & Neville