TNA Bound for Glory Results (10/2) – Lashley vs EC3, The Great War, Cody’s TNA Debut, Kim Inducted, Three New Champions Crowned, More!

The lights go out in the Impact Zone. Rex gets Edwards shoulders pin to the mat for a two count. Edwards reaches the bottom rope to get out of the Indian Death Lock. Edwards with a running back elbow to Rex. Rex sends Edwards to the ring apron. Edwards goes for missile dropkick, but Rex gets trapped in a reverse sharpshooter. Rex with a series of clubbing axe handles to the back of Edwards. Rex goes to the ground and pound attack to end the second round. Rex obviously is the winner of round two.

Rex drives Edwards back first into the turnbuckles. Rex stomps on Edwards chest in the corner. Edwards with a slingshot boot to the face of Rex for a two count. Edwards goes back to the top rope. Rex and Edwards battles for position on the top rope. Edwards goes for a diving foot stomp, but Rex ducks out of the way. Rex continues to ground Edwards. Rex with a flying double axe handle for a two count. Edwards plants Rex with the Michinoku Drive for a two count. Edwards goes for a moonsault, but Rex rolls out of the way. Rex goes for the Revelator, but Edwards counters with a enziguri. Rex and Edwards engage in a series of back and forth right hands as round three comes to an end. The judges announce that the winner via split decision is Aron Rex.

Winner: New Inaugural Grand Impact Champion Aron Rex via Split Decision 


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