booker t
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Booker T Talks Politics, Racial Inequality and Injustice, Orton’s Reaction to Colin Kaepernick Controversy, Presidential Election

WWE Hall of Famer Booker T recently spoke with Justin Barrasso of Sports Illustrated’s Extra Mustard, and below are some interview highlights:

On Americans standing up to injustice:

“If we truly want to make America great, we need to fix this racial inequality,” said Huffman. “We’ll have a never-ending war if we continue to go down this road. One thing that black people need to understand is the same thing that white people need to understand – neither one of us, black or white, are going anywhere. We have to live with each other, and we need to fix this.”

On Colin Kaepernick’s decision to sit during the National Anthem and Randy Orton’s reaction:

“Everybody has the right of freedom of speech in the First Amendment, and we need to respect that,” said Huffman. “Protesters need to speak up at the loudest time where it’s going to get the most ears and attention. Kaepernick is protesting from a peaceful standpoint, and I’ve got to commend him for that, and he’s putting his money where his mouth is [by promising to donate $1 million to organizations that address social issues and racial inequality]. If we had more guys – the guys who call themselves stars – who were willing to do more than talk, but instead walk the walk like Kaepernick, then the world would be a better place.”

“Just for a minute, Randy Orton took a step back and said, ‘Maybe I don’t know what people are going through because I’m not walking in their shoes’. You can speculate, but until you have walked in those shoes, you just don’t know. People should step back and look at this, even for a minute, from someone else’s perspective—and listen. Then come up with a conclusion after you’ve actually sat and talked about it, instead of making your decision before you even sit down.”

On racial inequality and the upcoming Presidential election:

“Hillary Clinton has been in the public eye for a long time, but she has trust issues,” said Huffman. “She has also helped a lot of people over that period of time. Look at me, I was a twenty-one year-old kid that went to prison. If someone judged me on the way I was then, then I wouldn’t be in this position today. That was something that happened to me thirty years ago. We need to take a step back and look at things from an overall perspective before casting that ballot of who is best suited to lead us and our kids for the next four years.”

“The election is definitely hanging in the balance,” said Huffman. “Donald Trump has said a lot of inflammatory comments that a lot of people don’t like, but people can sometimes speak from a racist standpoint and not really know they are racist. It’s like when white people want to speak on slavery, maybe they should take a step back and say, ‘Maybe I don’t understand what you’re going through,’ or have the empathy to look at race from a different position.