WWE Cruiserweight Classic Star To Debut On RAW This Week, New DDP DVD Announced, McKenzie Mitchell Reveals Her Favorite Superhero


Noam Dar

PWInsider.com is reporting WWE Cruiserweight Classic competitor and international star Naom Dar is expected to be backstage and make his debut on Monday for the RAW Cruiserweight division.

Diamond Dallas Page

WrestlingDVDNetwork.com is reporting WWE will be releasing a new Diamond Dallas Page DVD / Blu-Ray next year, the first WWE home release confirmed for 2017.

The DVD will look back at DDP’s career; it’s unknown if the project will be a documentary or a match compilation, but the title is currently scheduled for a March release and should have a lot of newly filmed material.

McKenzie Mitchell

The following video features TNA Impact Wrestling on-air broadcaster McKenzie Mitchell talking to Wrestlezone’s Bill Pritchard about who her favorite superhero is. Filmed on location at ACME Comics, Longwood, FL.

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Presented by Outside Interference for WZ TV (Wrestlezone)

Soundtrack: “Donors” by Letter Box