honky tonk man
Photo Credit: Wikipedia.org / Gage Skidmore

Honky Tonk Man on Goldberg Waiting Too Long to Return to WWE, the Credibility of Titles in WWE, Who Should Beat His Longest IC Title Reign

Total Wrestling Magazine has an interview with The Honky Tonk Man in which he talks about his thoughts on the current state of championships within WWE, who should have beaten his longest intercontinental title reign and what he thinks about Goldberg’s return at Survivor Series. Below are some interview highlights:

His thoughts on who should beat his longest reigning intercontinental title reign:

I was hoping Santino Marella and his Honk-o-Meter was going to do it. It was so entertaining, it was interesting, it was fun and people tuned into it, it intrigued them. I pitched the idea to Pat Patterson in passing that it was a neat deal and that we should take it all the way to WrestleMania and let me do the passing of the torch and let him run with it, as I thought he was fabulous.

His thoughts on credibility of titles within WWE:

The credibility of all of them is totally gone, it means nothing to be a champion, who cares? Fans don’t show up now to see someone wins that title or that someone loses it or even that someone continues to hold onto it. If you don’t have the title seen like that, then they dont mean anything.

His thoughts on Goldberg’s return to WWE:

He waited too long. The viewership is down, they’re trying to figure out what they can do to sort Raw’s ratings. Unless, they program Goldberg and Lesnar very well I don’t think it’ll be a feature match at WrestleMania. Goldberg is almost 50 and when I was 50 you had Vince Russo stating he didn’t want anybody over 30 in the wrestling ring back in WCW.

But, it takes guys to be in their 40’s maybe even 50’s to really understand the business and work it. Goldberg, I think the way they programmed him in WCW was fantastic, good business, but the way they killed it was terrible. Then he had a bad run in WWE and since then out of sight has been out of mind.

At 50, he wont be able to perform like he did in his prime.


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