Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (11/21): Goldberg Enters the Royal Rumble, New #1 Contenders Named, Owens Defends the Title Against Rollins!

After a short break, Sheamus leaps off the top rope right into a dropkick by Sheamus. Kingston walks right into an Irish Curse backbreaker. Sheamus accidentally knocks Cesaro off the apron. Kingston tags in Big E., who hits three suplexes on Sheamus. Cesaro tries to attack Big E., but Big E. tosses him over the top rope. Running splash for a two count by Big E. Big E. sets up the Big Ending, but Sheamus racks Big E.’s eyes and hits a rolling senton. Cesaro tags in and puts Kingston on the uppercut train. Kingston gets a boot up. Kingston dives off the top, but Cesaro catches him and backbreakers him. Kingston surprises Cesaro with the SOS for a near fall. Kingston hits the boom drop. Kingston goes for Trouble in Paradise, but Cesaro catches his foot and Cesaro Swings him. Cesaro slaps on the Sharpshooter. On the outside of the ring, Sheamus hits the Brogue kick on Big E. Xavier Woods gets on the apron and starts playing Francheska II Turbo. The referee doesn’t see Kingston tapping out. Cesaro lets go of the sharpshooter. Kingston rolls him up in a small package. Sheamus tries to break up the pin, but Woods grabs his foot. It’s over.

Winners and STILL WWE Raw Tag Team Champions, The New Day!

Okay, my future news was wrong. It happens to the best of us.

Backstage Jericho is asked how he feels after Team Raw’s lost last night at Survivor Series. Jericho says everything fell apart when the list of Jericho was used as a weapon last night. His personal thoughts were strewn around the ring. Tonight on the Highlight Reel Jericho will tell us who is to blame.


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