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The Young Bucks Talk AJ Styles Wanting Them to Go to WWE With Him, Possibly Signing with WWE When Their New ROH Deal Expires, More

the young bucks

Vice has published a new featured story on The Young Bucks, who recently re-signed with ROH, and below are a couple of highlights:

On AJ Styles wanting them to go to WWE with him:

Matt: “When A.J. was about to leave, he pulled us aside before anybody knew anything and he asked us about our contracts. At that point, it was December and we had just signed—we signed in November. He’s like, ‘You did? Ughhh.’ The idea was he was going to try and get us to walk out with him and be the guys with him… If we never signed, there’s a great chance we could have been walking out on Raw with those guys, I feel.”

Possibly signing with WWE when their ROH contracts expire in two years:

Matt: “Maybe then we think, You know what, if we’re ever going to go to [WWE], let’s go now. Because it’s going to be now or never.

“You have to go there to be the greatest of all time. That’s in the eyes of the fans. Unless you’re a WWE Hall of Famer eventually, you almost have a wasted career in their eyes. It’s sad that it’s like that.”