Brand Warfare: A Look at WWE TV Ratings in 2016

With WWE instituting the brand split back in July of this year, a weekly ratings war has returned to WWE, but this time it’s not against WCW, it’s Raw vs Smackdown Live.

The landscape of WWE changed drastically back in July, with Smackdown going live on the USA Network on Tuesday nights, the Cruiserweight division being resurrected on Raw, and names like Daniel Bryan, Stephanie McMahon, Shane McMahon and Mick Foley assume authority roles on WWE TV.

One of the hopes with the brand split was to create real competition between Raw and Smackdown, with each show attempting to out-perform the other on a weekly basis to boost stagnant WWE TV ratings.

Has it worked?

Below is an infographic we compiled charting the weekly WWE TV ratings from January to November of this year. In addition to checking out the graphic, WZ wants to know how successful you think the brand split has been this year. Is it working? If not, what do you think could be done to stimulate a more entertaining brand split? Sound off with your opinions in the comment section below!

Note: The numbers listed below represent millions of viewers.

Wwe tv ratings