nxt youngstown

WWE NXT Results (12/28): Asuka Defends the Women’s Title, Joe vs Nakamura II!

Liv Morgan and Aliyah vs Billie Kay and Peyton Royce 

Morgan rolls Kay around the ring into multiple pin attempts. Double suplex by Morgan and Aliyah. Kay tags in Royce, who walks into multiple arm drags by Aliyah. Aliyah mounts the top rope and takes Royce over with a back flip arm drag. Aliyah hits the ropes and runs right into a backbreaker by Royce. Royce and Kay take turns beating down Aliyah. Morgan finally gets the tag and clears the ring. Morgan rolls up Kay, but she missed the blind tag from Royce. Royce assaults Morgan. Royce slams Morgan’s head on Kay’s knee for the win.

Winners- Billie Kay and Peyton Royce

NXT Tag Team Title Match: #DIY (C) vs Akria Tozawa and Tajiri

Tozawa and Gargano trade armbars. Gargano flips out of it, tackle dropdown spot leads to Tozawa hitting a leaping senton. Gargano turns it into a crucifix pin for a two count. Gargano misses a head kick. Tozawa misses a head kick. Tozawa tags in Tajiri as Gargano tags in Ciampa. Ciampa gets within five feet of Tajiri and Tajiri tries to hit him with the green mist. Ciampa barely avoids it. Tajiri and Ciampa both attempt submissions, but neither can get and advantage.

(Cont. )


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