Lucha Underground Results (1/4): Mundo vs Mack, Sexy Gets Revenge, The Rabbit Tribe In-Action

Sexy plants Mariposa with a Michinoku Driver for a two count. Sexy with the cover again, but Mariposa kicks out at two. Sexy slaps Mariposa in the face. Mariposa responds with a Samoan Drop for a two count. Mariposa gets Sexy trapped in a modified Indian Death Lock. Mariposa with repeatedly hits Sexy in the back of the head with her boot.

Sexy reaches the bottom rope to get out of the Indian Death Lock. Mariposa with an axe kick to the ribs of Sexy. Mariposa goes for a moonsault, but Sexy ducks out of the way. Sexy connects with the basement dropkick. Mariposa places Sexy on the top rope. Mariposa goes for a superplex, but Sexy sends Mariposa crashing to the canvas. Sexy connects with the double stomp to pickup the victory. After the match, Marty The Moth Martinez chokeslams Mariposa.

Winner: Sexy Star