WWE RAW Results (1/16): The Beast Brock Lesnar is Unleashed, Tag Titles on the Line, Huge Six-Man Main Event!

After the break, Gallows crushes Sheamus in the corner with a running splash. Anderson and Gallows hit the reverse 3D for a near fall. Gallos tries to knock Cesaro off the apron, but misses. Gallows walks right into a power slam by Sheamus. Sheamus tags in Cesaro who hits multiple uppercuts in the corner, followed by a picture perfect dropkick. Cesaro almost locks in the swing, but Gallows breaks it up. Cesaro sends Gallows to the outside. Cesaro hits the Swiss-1-9 on Anderson. Gallows tosses Sheamus into the barricade. Cesaro dives off the top rope onto Gallows. Anderson calls for a topé, but Cesaro meets him with a European uppercut. Cesaro springboard uppercuts Anderson, then puts Anderson in the swing. Cesaro slaps on the sharpshooter, but Gallows levels him with a running big boot. Cesaro kicks out. Cesaro kicks Gallows off the apron. Anderson

Cesaro kicks Gallows off the apron. Anderson spine busters Cesaro. Sheamus breaks up the pin. Sheamus is all over Anderson. The Referee tries to get Sheamus off of Anderson, but Sheamus decks the Referee. Gallows throws Sheamus shoulder first into the corner. Anderson and Gallows hit the Magic Killer. The Referee is still down. A new Referee runs down to the ring and counts to three. Anderson and Gallows are announced as the new tag champs. The original Referee gets up and waves it off. Sheamus and Cesaro are disqualified because Sheamus struck the Referee.

Winners by disqualification, Anderson and Gallows.